Host: The MTC DOME Namibia
Facility: Swakopmund, Namibia: MTC DOME Namibia
Getting here
Price & Quote
Host services at this destination
Physiotherapy/massage available
Gym access
Coach/instructor available
Transportation service
The MTC DOME Hotel boasts with 80 beds and will meet all your travel needs
Calorie specific meals are available with your hotel booking.
Physiotherapy/massage available
Physiotherapy and Biokinetics services available inside the DOME.
Gym access
The MTC DOME GYM is an international accredited High Performance CENTRE and first of its kind in Namibia. Here we can assist with Personal trainers and coaches for all your training needs.
Coach/instructor available
With the DOME Athletics Academy as part of the DOME Namibia team, Coaches and trainers are always available and the track can be used all the time.
Transportation service
Available to and from the Airport, City Canter is a 5min walk and otherwise shuttles and Taxis are no problem for any travel needs.
www.thedomenamibia.com T'Neil Young
Travel info:
Recommended airport: Walfishbay is 40km and a DOME Hotel transfer can be booked.
Windhoek international Airport is in the Capital and 400km from Swakopmund, but a shuttle can be booked to get to Swakopmund.
Price information
tneil@thedomenamibia.com for prices and quotesÂ
If you book the DOME hotel - the use of the pool and the gym is free .
Training camp quotation
Make an inquiry directly to The MTC DOME Namibia